One Minute S'mores

No more campfire needed. I know the broiler is no big discovery, but since making the magnificent marshmallow milkshake, I've had it in my mind to make s'mores by toasting the marshmallows in the broiler...thus one minute s'mores. Gabe helped by placing our marshmallows on the baking sheet. I spread Nutella on our graham crackers and then Gabe set the timer on my iPhone. One minute later I was pulling the most perfectly toasted marshmallows out of the oven. I placed the freshly broiled marshmallow on top of the Nutella covered graham cracker and Gabe and I had the perfect "passed my glucose test today snack". He suggested we eat our one minute s'mores on the back porch and I couldn't help but agree. So, with a little Eddie Vedder Ukulele Songs in the background, we enjoyed our summer snack in the summer breeze outside on the lanai, barefoot and happy.


Anonymous said…
Nutella is a smart idea! I just shared it with my Godmother - she is excited. I've never tried Nutella. I can't have hazelnut though, they say I am deathly allergic to it. I could always just try it some time and then administer my epipen.... :)
Larisa said…
Oh no! Don't keel over on me! Maybe there is some other chocolate type spread?

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