Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

I didn't think I would like the fourth installment of this mega franchise. I am not a huge fan of sequels (except for Twilight stuff) to begin with and by the time you get to four? Forget it! But, I was surprised. Maybe because it is so adventuresome and based on nothing more than a ride at Disney, it has the freedom to wander and maintain interesting characters---whether they are dead or alive. I was surprised at how unimpressed with the Hawaii footage I was. It was a well done movie---acting, directing, cinematography, but it could have been on a movie set for the little bit of Hawaii presence there seemed to be. Gabe enjoyed the swashbuckling. I enjoyed Johnny Depp, Keith Richards cameo, and the humor. Penelope Cruz was not bad either. It is a long movie, over two hours, but we both stayed awake and didn't even have popcorn and candy as an excuse. Tonight I may need to go back and re-watch the first three. Aargh, I'm in pirate mode.


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