Apparently I'll do anything that is cheap and anything involving music...like risking me, the unborn child, and Gabe's life to walk across the street. I'll start off with the negative (since that's my favorite thing to point out these days) and I'll let you know in advance that it does have a happy ending. I'm always interested in trying new things. I'm always interested in getting out of the house to keep from going crazy with summer cabin fever. When my friend mentioned checking out the Honolulu Zoo's Summer Concert Series, I jumped at the opportunity. We packed a nice picnic dinner, left the house a good two and a half hours prior to the start of the concert, had quarters for parking, a fully charged phone for picture taking...we were all set. And then we sat in traffic for over an hour to arrive at the zoo. And then we drove around for almost another hour looking for parking near the zoo. And then pregnancy attitude kicked in and I started getting very cranky. Our parking spot was about a mile away. Gabe was very sweet to help me carry all our picnic gear. Bless his heart for trying to make a bad situation better. And then we tried to cross the street. That's when a big speeding Bus tried running us over! Apparently the cross walk, the flashing WALK signal, my pregnant belly, and my child were not enough for him to think he had to slow down or even stop for us. I was floored. Well, actually, I really almost was. Good thing I have maternal reflex instincts. I stopped myself and pulled Gabe back just in time for...another vehicle to try to follow suit with the Bus. And that's when a big, loud expletive came flying from my mouth. Maternal instinct. We did end up making it to the concert. A children's ukulele festival of sorts. My poor friends had to deal with a sweaty, hot, cranky mess though. We decided (officially and unofficially) that maybe next summer would be a better time to resume the $3 concert quest.
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