I wish I could say seven was heaven...but it was filled with many challenges. Among them potty humor, lying, and sassy talk. But we came out okay and I have high hopes for eight. It rhymes with great, it must be a good age right?

Yesterday we celebrated Gabe's last birthday as an only child. I must admit, I was a little sad. Good thing he was just goofy enough to distract me from tearing up too much. In this house, each birthday somehow gets a theme. This year was all about Star Wars. He was excited to wear his Star Wars t-shirt and Jeidi birthday badge. If I was the least bit creative, I would have turned his waffles (the homemade pancakes were a fail) into some sort of Jeidi ship. Instead, I made his smiley face look like a flower. Gabe was gracious about it.

On the eight year olds birthday eve I made him Star Wars cupcakes (peanut butter and chocolate with Nutella). Isom took the day off and we drove to Gabe's favorite beach---Waimea. If it weren't raining almost the whole time, I would have pictures of that, but...you'll just have to imagine (the boys happily playing in the ocean waves and rain and me huddled under the umbrella, avoiding drops of rain while Facebooking on my iPhone).

Our dearest Mai Ly took a birthday cake order months ago and created a fantastic cake homage to Star Wars for our young Jeidi. The cake too was chocolate and peanut butter (it is his favorite flavor combination). It was a fabulous addition to the birthday.

All presents received were either wrapped with or contained some sort of Star Wars paraphernalia. Of course Gabe was thrilled. Thanks to everyone who sent, mailed, delivered goodies to him...he was a very happy boy yesterday.

Gabe's birthday would not be complete without family pizza dinner with his birthday twin Mia. Never mind that today is actually her birthday, not yesterday like Gabe. They were all smiles as they unwrapped Hello Kitty (for her) and Star Wars (for him) presents. And let's not forget the third cake in two days...the Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake (since it was a shared endeavor, it wasn't chocolate and peanut butter...mint chocolate chip).

Eight is starting off great.
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