25 Days

If I weren't so pregnant, I would be doing a dance. It is August. The month I am due. I no longer have to say, next month, in a few months...I can say THIS MONTH...well, that is if this baby wants to cooperate. I know babies are rarely born on their due dates but I have to hang on to the date or I won't be able to get through these next three weeks. I think we are ready. I hope we are ready. The baby room is ready. The baby clothes are ready. Gabe is ready. The pressure is on for Zachary. He has been kicking and wiggling around despite what has to be a very tight space. My appetite has somewhat returned...just in time to gain extra weight at the end. My memory has disappeared. My common sense has flown out the window. And my tear ducts look for an excuse to shed a few hormonal tears. I am experiencing back pain and sleepless, multiple bathroom filled nights but all of these are just signs that I am in the home stretch. In less than one months time, less time than it takes to break a habit (that's 28 days), less time than my organic milk from Costco will expire, I could be trying to type a blog entry while holding a new born baby boy. Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Anonymous said…
I am SO excited for you! Wee!!
Larisa said…
Thanks! Yesterday was false labor. Boo!
tobi said…
i'm so excited!!!
Larisa said…
I am too, with a little bit of anxiety and boredom mixed in there!

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