Baby Z In Utero

I'm becoming more and more restless, especially as two mom friends that were due after me, have already had their babies. Each day seems longer and longer. I feel like the days are at least 32 hours long instead of the standard 24. But, yesterday made things a little more bearable since Isom and I got to see Baby Z via ultra sound. I'm due this Sunday but at my last doctor's appointment on Tuesday, there was a little question about the size of this big boy. My doctor ordered an ultra sound for me to have Baby Z measured and estimate his weight, check on my fluids, and of course see the cutest baby in the world! I won't be giving away the estimated weight just yet but I will say that
1) the ultra sound tech had a funny look on her face when seeing the actual size of Baby Z (a look that said, wow, I feel sorry for you)
2) she also said my uterus is a trooper (guess it's fighting a battle against these big babies I keep having)
3) the head and stomach measurements for Baby Z were off the charts, meaning their equipment doesn't measure babies that big!
It was quite the reassuring appointment. Sarcasm.
But, I am focusing on the positives. At least we know for sure he is a boy (Gabe was still skeptical). We know for sure he has cute chubby cheeks! And we know for sure he is...well nourished. Now if we could just see him in person...sometime before Christmas would be nice.


Isom said…
Wow that is a big baby, can't wait to meet him!
Anonymous said…
Aww....another big, healthy baby! I CANNOT wait for his big debut!!!
Larisa said…
I think there is a pizza joint or Cupcakery inside my belly...this is why he is staying inside.

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