Fire And Ice Cupcakes

...for Bella and Edward's (yes, fictional characters from the Twilight saga) wedding anniversary of course! This just proves further that the last weeks of pregnancy equal crazy. I love both the Twilight books and movies, but never thought I would have the opportunity to attend a party to celebrate two of the characters getting married...and to bake cupcakes for that party. Thanks to another Twi-hard mom friend, I secured an exclusive invite to the event. And what an event. I thought I loved a good theme...this hostess has me a long shot. It was fun and silly to gather with the other ladies to play Twilight themed Bunco, cut Bella and Edward's wedding cake, play a little Twilight trivia for prizes, re-watch Twilight, and talk story with folks who are similarly obsessed. It was a great distraction from being 38 weeks pregnant. And some great dessert eating. And the perfect venue for me to wear my "Edward's Baby" Twilight maternity shirt. And not a bad way to spend my Saturday night.


Unknown said…
OMG, how fun! I thought you got those pics on-line! =)
Larisa said…
Ha, ha! Nope, baked the cupcakes myself!

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