...for Gabe, not me. The report? He did great. Maybe it's his new haircut? There was an underlying current of anxiety all summer about what third grade would be like (mostly from him...but some from me). I know we've only survived the first day, but that can really set the tone for the rest of the year. His teacher seems strict but warm. Welcoming but down to business. And she is organized. Can't tell you how much I love that. It's a good match for the eight year old boy. When asked what he thought of her, Gabe summed up "Well, I heard her yell today, and I'm used to that!" (while glancing at me). Isom and I both escorted the little prince to his new class located in the portables outside the regular school classrooms. Escorted him all the way to the front row. His teacher must have been spying on us...she already knew this was the appropriate place for the little rascal! If it weren't for Isom, I would have totally forgotten to get even this not so great first day photo...I was too busy being sad that my new eight year old was embarking into the upper grades of elementary school. Good thing we've got another little rascal on the way...I won't be sad like this again until that one goes to kindergarten...in another five years! Ack!
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