Last Week Of Pregnancy

...well, hopefully. I started out week 39 by going to the Ice Palace. Yes, the ice skating rink. Not to skate (although I really wanted to), but to celebrate Mia's 8th birthday. Yes, as one of the birthday twins, her birthday is actually in July, but wise beyond her years, she decided to have her party, to be able to invite school friends, and two, well, duh, to celebrate twice! My kind of party planning. Since I was not skating, Isom filled in for me. So, at least I got to be amused (he actually did a great job and didn't even fall). And happily, the same can be said for Gabe (I had pregnancy induced paranoia of broken limbs prior to the birthday party). For a kid growing up in Hawaii, having only seen snow about two times in his life, he does pretty well at ice skating...and drinking hot cocoa. The ice capades were topped off with the mandatory kid birthday pizza and cupcakes and I couldn't help but think what a perfect party combination the skating and food maybe in six months, when (hopefully) I'm not pregnant anymore (it feels like I'm never giving birth), I can follow in the eight year olds footsteps and have my birthday party at Ice Palace/Pizza Hut too.


Larisa said…
Now I can't take credit for these cuties, but my friend Lehua made these. They are strawberry flavored.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a fun time, although I don't think I can ice skate...didn't do very well when I tried and was much younger and lighter! LOL xo Aunt Sue aka Anonymous

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