Newspaper Nail Art

I've been playing around with different combinations of fun colors and sparkles and crackles and shatters for my nails. I like to change things up (much to Isom's dismay...he hates the smell) about once a week. This week, I discovered two new things---one was Pinterest (thanks Danielle and Tobi) and the other was this nail technique...on Pinterest. So, here's the directions for all you DIYers.

Step 1. paint nails a neutral base color (I used white)

Step 2. after base color drys, dip in alcohol (I used rubbing, but the Pinterest suggestion was Vodka...drink and do your nails!)

Step 3. take a strip of newspaper and press on the still damp nail (This step reminded me of all the temporary tattoos Gabe has had me apply over the years)

Step 4. a fun nail that has words/print on it (Doubly good for me...words and nails!)

The look is endless, every time you do it, it will turn out differently. Next time, I'm trying color newspaper the comics. This is also a great mom/daughter project...I've decided to spare Gabe from this "crazy mommy" activity.


tobi said…
totally doing this!
Larisa said…
Some folks I guess leave the paper on. To clarify, I peel the paper off...more in the vein of a tattoo than decoupage.

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