No Egg Chocolate Cupcakes

Cupcakes without eggs? It's possible. I'd been wanting to try this recipe for awhile, but there was no occasion and no cherry cola...yes, that is the oddball ingredient for these super soft and delicious cupcakes. Cherry coke and a can of condensed milk (which I'd much rather drink than regular milk). Both the occasion and the cherry soda presented themselves yesterday. Isom announced there would be a work potluck today and no one had signed up for dessert. I had no idea that Cherry Coke no longer came in a single serving bottle here on Oahu. Maybe you can find it elsewhere? I have been unsuccessful. So, there's the grossly pregnant chic buying a 12 pack of Cherry Coke at Safeway yesterday (which I guess is better than a carton of cigarettes? A fifth of Jack?)...thanks Gabe for loading in the cart for mom. With my ingredients now in possession, the no egg cupcakes were ready to be made. Too bad it was a million degrees when we got home. We took a pause to do homework. Which turned into crying and some yelling (you can imagine who did what). As the sun went down, homework woes turned to "what's for dinner" woes. I opted out and made Isom create every one's culinary favorite---grilled cheese, while I proceeded with the cupcakes...topping them off this morning with a dollop of Nutella (my new favorite frosting substitute) and white sprinkles for some flare. Hopefully Isom's office is enjoying each chocolaty bite right now as I type.


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