Tobi, This Is All Your Fault

...that I am now addicted to one more app on my iPhone! But, seriously, thank you. I feel like a real photographer! Try not to laugh and blow anything out of your nose or mouth. I have discovered Instagram thanks to a recommendation from one of my favorite fellow bloggers (scroll down the side of the main page to check her out). So, since I have so much "spare" time waiting for this basketball in my belly to fall out, I have spent the better part of the last week taking pictures just so I can see what fun things I can do to them via Instagram. If you have an iPhone, I highly recommend the free app. But don't get mad at me, I warned's addicting. So, thanks Tobi...I think. You'll notice I am taking more photos of people than food...small victory. Here are a couple of my fun before and after shots...


tobi said…
whoop whoop!!! i knew you'd love it! i just love how it can give the most random pic the coolest effect! instagram addicts 4-eva ;)
Larisa said…
It's like looking at everything through rose colored glasses!

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