Four Weeks

...and two days. By the time tomorrow arrives, Zach will officially be one month old. At one month he is 13.2 pounds. He is just getting over a mild case of baby acne. He has cradle cap...of the eyebrows. He has maintained his blond locks. He has captured our hearts even more. On his four week "birthday" we celebrated by taking our first full family outing to...Starbucks. It was a momentous occasion. Baby Z did great...he slept the entire time. I guess coffee isn't that exciting to him yet. The rest of the clan enjoyed a much needed break from breakfast at the house. We even ventured, baby and all, to Longs Drugs. His four week birthday would not have been complete without a stop at my old work. Plenty of oohs and ahhs and we even found Baby Z's Halloween costume. Once we had returned home from our "birthday" adventures, we were greeted by our friends the Schultz's, recently returned from their trip to Italy...and a first birthday party, so our four week old rocker got to spend the evening with a fairy princess. Doesn't get much better than that.


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