In Between Diapers And Feedings

...I have found the time to accomplish watching up to season three of one of the best shows no longer on T.V.---Friday Night Lights, and stare endlessly at Zachary, otherwise known as "one-eyed Zach. He loves to make lots of facial expressions and looks like he will be a "hand talker" (just like his momma). Zach has already reached his first milestone, he "lost" his umbilical cord stump (for lack of a better, more medical term). The day before his two week birthday, I was
preparing to nurse him, and noticed I could see a belly button instead of the black, yucky old thing that had been a part of him since birth. Hooray, we can finally bathe the poop and pee machine! Zach's two week check-up went well.
He didn't fuss and we learned that at two weeks (which, if he were like his big brother, would be my 42nd week of pregnancy) he weighed exactly what big brother Gabe weighed at birth---a whopping 11.2 lbs.
The nurses thought I was there for his two MONTH check-up. Any concerns I had about him gaining weight solely on breast milk, were immediately wiped away. I am now off of my pain medication and seeing my new parenting world more clearly. Zach is still a little cherub and rarely cries. I'm able, when not recovering from my c-section, nursing, napping, or snacking to do a few things around the house. Two weeks in and I must say, this little boy is delightful.


Sue Zukowski said…
I saw that you had posted and had to read about Zach...he really is a doll--getting such a kick out of seeing his expressions in all the pictures. Oh, by the way, he has a huge fan that is temporarily in England! LOL Kiss those sweet cheecks (and back of his neck) for me and give Gabe a huge hug for me, too. I will try to find a cute English postcard to send to him soon. Love to you all, Aunt Sue xo (& Geoff, too--he can't believe Zach's size!--he doesn't know about Zukowski babies, does he???) :)
Larisa said…
Gabe will be so excited to receive mail! Will try to get back to regular posting soon!

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