Long Day At The Office

...for Zach. It's hard work trying not to poop out of the side of your diaper. Even harder work trying not to spit up on your cute onesie. We are now in week three of "life on the outside". Zach is a trooper. He is enduring a cranky mom who has been low on sleep, a dad that continues to scratch his face with his beard/goatee, and a big brother who has no concept of personal space. If it were me, I'd be crying or fussing every minute, but not Zach. He is a cruiser...maintaining that Virgo sense of adaptability at every turn...completely opposite of Gabe, the Leo. It is so interesting to see the differences (and a few similarities) between Gabe and Zach...although, I'm sure some of this is a bit pre-mature. I guess, age, as much as personality as something to do with their behavioral/personality differences. It's hard to believe that almost a month has gone by...I haven't baked (pre-made frozen goods don't count), gone out with the ladies, seen a movie (in the theaters), or even read a book...and yet, I am happy.


Anonymous said…
LOOK AT THAT BELLY! It's beautiful ~ You looked amazing 9 months pregnant.

I love the picture of Zach with his tie t-shirt. Cah-ute.
tobi said…
i didn't even think about that!!! he's a virgo like ME! yay! mr z is getting cuter by the day mama! xoxo
Larisa said…
Yes, I love that he is a Virgo...a great sign!

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