Thankful, Grateful, Full

Thankful to all the friends and family that have called, emailed, texted, Facebooked, Tweeted, Blogged, stopped by (especially those with sweets) with food, mailed cards, sent gifts, had our family (now suddenly grown to four) in your thoughts. Grateful for all the visits received at the hospital and now at home. Full from all the delicious Starbucks treats, pastas, desserts, dishes made for us so we can spend more time gazing at and adoring our new addition. We appreciate all the love and help we have received over the past seventeen (already?!) days. Here's the Zach visitors hall of fame...


Anonymous said…
The pics are fab...what a hall of fame he has already! He is just a doll...wishing I was in that part of the world! Glad my blog is providing some amusement. Sending you all love, Aunt Sue xo p.s. looking for just the right postcard for Gabe now! :)
Larisa said…
We definitely have some great friends! Love from my blog to yours!

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