Yes, I do have two kids. Two boys in fact. It might seem that I only have one right now...Zach. All of my waking (and even not waking) hours are spent doing things for and thinking about him...all the while still thinking of the older one, better known as Gabe. I have to remind myself that it's fair. I was madly in love with Gabe when he was this new too. In fact, madly in love with him until he was able to talk...then it was just love, no longer madly. Smile. I suppose it will be the same for Zach as well. Madly in love until he talks. For now, you will all have to endure the endless posts of all his "firsts". It's like the 500 cupcake recipe posts I have been doing for the past two years, but instead, now it's a non-edible cupcake named Zach. 500 posts of Zach or
something close to it. Are you ready for posts that cute? Here is post number one (well, technically number three if you count the previous two) of all the many "firsts" Zach (and I) will have this next year. Zach's first bath was last night. It probably should have been a day or two earlier since that was when he lost his umbilical cord, but call me crazy, I just wanted to hold on to his newborn scent for a few extra days----sweat, pee, poop, and all. The first bath was a two person job...one to bathe and one to take pictures (although from the looks of these two sad iPhone photos, maybe it was really a one person job). Zach seemed to enjoy the warm water. He didn't cry or fuss, just looked up at us with his big blue eyes in wonder---what is this feeling? It's called clean. A few minutes in the tub on the kitchen counter, a few scrubs with the washcloth from dad, and he was ready to be wrapped in the cutest baby bathrobe. Diaper free and snuggling with mommy before a mini massage with coco butter baby lotion. Everyone should be this lucky. We would all sleep well with that kind of first class treatment. Smelling good enough to eat, relaxed in PJ's and a clean diaper...Zach let out the biggest, stinkiest, loudest poop. And that was that for the first bath.

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