
...stole my idea! Okay, what I wish was my idea. It's a bakery...on wheels. Cute purple wheels. Genius. They drive to different island locations each week...keeping folks updated via Twitter and Facebook. You can email in a pre-order or just show up to the various locations to pig out. FairyCakes is of the go big or stay home mentality for their whoopie pies. They are monstrous---in both size and flavor. Gabe and I shared them for days. Red Velvet, Pumpkin, Orange Dream, Hazelnut, Peanut Butter...and they even threw in two cupcakes for free since it was Veteran's Day. And I would consider myself a veteran of cake eating. So, while the real Veteran (Isom) had to work, me and the boys enjoyed cakes of all sorts---big, small, free, chocolate, delicious. It was a good day to be off and enjoy cake...and salute Veterans of all sorts--big, small...
Thanks for all you do, your sacrifices near and far so that I may have freedom at home...to indulge in cake.


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