...the restaurant, not the album (although that is good too). I attended my third girls only outing since baby was born on Saturday. It's hard to get out of the house to leave Zach (no problem leaving the other two), but once out, it is invigorating to take a shower, dress with purpose, turn the radio up, drive a little faster, and eat at a grown up restaurant. The girls have been super at meeting at restaurants not too far from home, so if needed, I'm only fifteen minutes away from nursing the baby. Our first outing post baby was to Assagio's in Mililani---an old standby that is predictable and delicious. For our most recent outing however, we were a little less predictable--we went "off the wall" and ate at what appeared to be a "hole in the wall". After spending a couple of hours enjoying the BEST seared ahi (other than Isom's recipe of course) I have ever had, and trying a chocolate mystery dessert, I decided that it wasn't a hole in the wall after all. It was fine dining without the usual fine dining decor...or waitresses. We did have to make reservations but there were no fancy table linens, no polished silverware, or classical music playing in the background. College football on several strategically placed flat screen T.V.s served as our ambiance. But who needs typical fancy pants restaurant standards when the chef in the back is cooking up Top Chef styled local Asian cuisine? I am already envisioning taking Isom there for our first post baby date. For flavor, originality, and low key atmosphere---
Off The Wall is my vote for Pearl Kai fine dining...leave your suit at home and enjoy five star quality food while watching the game in your jeans and t-shirt.
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