Scored by Gabe. And an assist. And several "almost" goals. A perfect (and muddy) way to end his first season of soccer (soccer when he was three doesn't count). Gabe almost didn't play his final game due to the torrential downpour of rain---hindering both sight and cleanliness---the field was a mud pit. Gabe, being the illogical eight year old that he is, was not interested in getting dirty...yet not interested in cleaning his room or taking showers. Go figure. Halfway through the game I think he realized his goal of not getting muddy was not going to happen, and he really went for it. He earned another medal (tallest member in the league...ha, ha), received his certificate, and the knowledge that he could score a goal with a little effort...and a little mud. Looking forward to next season...he'll be better, bigger, and the games will be closer to home. Less traffic and driving makes the goals all the sweeter.


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