Teamwork Medal Winner Gabe. For soccer. If we gave out teamwork medals at home, he would be out of luck. As he told me on Sunday, "laundry is the worst thing a kid can be made to do". But, at least he is putting forth effort out on the soccer field. This past Saturday he was the lucky recipient of the Teamwork Medal. How does one go about receiving such an esteemed honor? Kick the ball to your teammate. And he did. And he almost scored a goal. We count all the tiny victories here. He is definitely getting the hang of the game more and more with each week's practice. There are only two weeks left for this season and he is already talking about "when he plays next season". Music to my ears. I thought he'd never be interested in anything other than Legos. Here's the proud medal winner. We're proud too...


Anonymous said…
Gosh, I can't believe how big Gabe is getting. Where is time going?
Larisa said…
It's going much too fast the older he gets!

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