Enter The Dragon

...the year of the dragon that is. My year...every twelve years anyway. I'm excited to start this new year off. Although I already haven't done a good job of keeping up with my blog in the new year. Here four days have already passed by and I am just now getting around to writing a post. I'm hoping for more of a daily regimen...my exercise for my fingers. I have not troubled myself with making, keeping, or breaking any resolutions (unless you count the goal of trying to blog more frequently). I have however, been thinking about fun ways to incorporate a theme to my baking/blogging for each month. For example, January could be all about brownies. All baking in January would be some sort of brownie inspired creation and post...February could be all about muffins. You see where I'm going with this. We'll see if it actually happens. In the meantime, since I last set fingertips to keys, we have been entertaining ourselves with holiday fun and food. I think I gained ten pounds in eggnog weight alone. Oh well, I had a blast incorporating eggnog into almost every beverage I consumed over the past month. Here's a few photos of the boys...they may have changed lots in the sixteen days since I last posted. Wink.


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