Happy Birthday Isom

Happy birthday to the dad that likes to coordinate with Zach...
Happy birthday to the dad who is not squeamish about hospitals and operating rooms...
Happy birthday to the world traveler...this was Thailand...
Happy birthday to a world class daddy for Gabe...
Happy birthday to the husband who humors me in going out to eat...weekly...
Happy birthday to the beach goer...
Happy birthday to my pleasant, easy going friend...
Happy birthday to you whether we are in the same place or not...can't wait to celebrate with you when you return from this trip and add to the collection of photos and memories. Happy birthday to my favorite husband.


FootPrints said…
Aaawww! Happy birthday!!
Isom said…
Thank you, honey. I love you!
Larisa said…
Hope you enjoyed your McDonalds.
Sue said…
Nice post for one great nephew! Hope his birthday was happy even though he was gone! :)
Larisa said…
Sue! I promise to get caught up on your blog when Isom returns...my free time is limited!

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