Zach Eats Solid Food

...and I take the most boring pictures of the big event that you can imagine. I also discover that I have got to start taking pictures with an actual camera and not my iPhone. Even I am realizing how ridiculous it is to have the second child's life moments captured solely on a phone. After the previous post, it's hard to look at any picture that isn't superb. I'll try to manage though. This is when having your own personal photographer would definitely come in handy. We recently took Zach for his four month well baby check up. We learned that he is a whopping 20 pounds. A lengthy 27 inches. And ready to try something other than breast milk for nourishment. Enter rice cereal...and breast milk. A winning combination. A sticky, slightly messy combination. Although you wouldn't know it based on these pictures. Zach maintained a relatively clean face and high chair for his first solid food feeding. There was one spoonful that made it to his hair and his eye (thanks big brother for "helping" to feed baby brother). Other than that, it was a rather incident free feeding. We have fed Zach his version of Cream of Wheat two more times since the initial first feeding and it looks like...he LOVES food. Where in the world did he get that trait from?


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