When You Don't Have Eggs

...and you have a fussy, teething baby, you don't feel up to going to the store. But you DO feel up for chocolate cake. So that's what Zach and I did today after our inaugural visit to TJ Maxx. Zach loudly banged my pots and pans while I made eggless chocolate
cake...with cherries...and Nutella for frosting. These cupcakes, otherwise known as "Sweet Jesus" cupcakes (thanks Sheri), came about as a result of trying to get rid of random ingredients before our townhouse gets tented (fumigated for you mainland folks). When life gives you bugs, make eggless chocolate cake. And add in a can of cherry pie filling for an exciting bonus. Behold a sinful trifecta. Perfect for rainy days and Mondays...and moms with fussy babies.

1 1/3 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 dash salt
3 tablespoons softened butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs, beaten (or not if you are me)

preheat oven to 350°F
put cupcake liners in muffin tin OR grease muffin tin
sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa and salt
in another bowl beat together the butter and sugar
(I've left out what to do with the eggs)
add the flour mixture to the sugar mix
add 1 can cherry pie filling
spoon batter into the muffin cups 2/3 full
bake @350 for 20 minutes (for cupcakes; longer for cake)

Add a dollop of Nutella to the top of each cupcake after they cool.

Serve on a plate with a spoon because they are gooey, messy, and delicious. Your kids and the kid in you will be forever grateful.


Sue said…
Looks like Zach is ready to chomp his new teeth into that yummy delight!!! Thanks for the recipe--i might even try it sometime! Sounds yummy! Where do you go when the condo gets tented? Do you have to wash everything when they are done? Looking forward to seeing you in just about 6 weeks--so excited! Love to all, Aunt Sue xo
Anonymous said…
Poor baby and poor Momma! It does sound good, but I think I'd use the pie filling for icing, but I love Nutella, too. It's great on a pb and banana sandwich.
aka Smoos
thruebonyeyes said…
He's adorable even when he's fussy! LOL

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