Hau'ula Trail

Alright, where's the hike that is down hill both ways? This uphill business that just days ago I mentioned being fine as long as it is at the beginning of the hike...uh, maybe not. Today's quality family time brought to you from the Ironwood Forrest on the northshore-ish of Oahu. I have done this hike before. It was without a baby strapped to me so a little less taxing. Not only is my cute Z heavy, he is long. His head was somewhat obstructing my view today. And his feet were impeding my walking pace as they inadvertently kicked my upper thighs. This was a great workout though and Gabe did an excellent job of hiking and not annoying me. Everything we read about this hike said it was two and a half miles long. In dog years? Longest "two miles" ever. And according to my phone (she's so smart), it was two miles that most people call four. Which explains why I was so over it about halfway through. My mental state almost got the better of me but then we encountered a breeze, some friendly hikers along the way, a view, and a nap from the baby...the thirty minute miles became slightly better as we went---because I knew that must mean we were that much closer to being done. I'm just not a natural hiker. Concrete jungle shopper (I could easily bust out ten miles in a mall or bookstore), but all those tree roots, ants, Mosquitos, rotten guava...let's say this hike goes on record as "for the boys". So happy to be resting my legs on the ottoman by the sofa with Bravo on now.


Sue said…
LOL...the picture of you is great and you LOOK like a natural hiker! Maybe Isom needs to pack the "Z"! :) Glad you made it. Hey, get ready for some 108 degree weather in NV! See you very soon--rest those tired legs! xo Aunt Sue
Larisa said…
Fake it til you make it!

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