Old Pali Highway Hike

...is great for those who enjoy shade, nature in the city, taking their kids with them to hike, uphill workouts, Jackson Chameleons...helicopters. Wait, lizards and helicopters? Today, like a crazy person, I ventured into the woods on the side of a mountain with two kids...one of whom was strapped to me and weighs almost twenty-four pounds (as determined from Tuesday's nine month check up). I survived. This seems to be my ongoing mantra these days. The first half, the downhill portion of the hike, was fun-ish. Picturesque views, cool breeze, not too sweaty. Then we turned around to head back. Torture. I was ready to build a hut with sticks and just live in my new home on the side of the mountain. Uphill needs to happen in the first portion of a hike! Especially when giant baby is strapped to your unfit breathless self. Today was a definite stretch---of my muscles and of my comfort zone. It's great to have friends who push your comfort levels and continue to call you to hang out, even after seeing you at your sweaty, complainy worst.

To do this hike:
Drive to the Pali Lookout
Parking is free for residents with a valid Hawaii Drivers License
Bring your camera
Wear shoes that can handle wet leaves, asphalt, mud, dirt, rocks---you will encounter all of these.
I would suggest NOT going on the day the construction helicopter is flying around with large equipment and concrete attached...it's freaky!
Look for chameleons, chickens, and dogs.
Water and maybe bug spray are a good idea.
Take a friend.


Sue said…
Love the pictures and the description--you brave soul, you!!! Glad you survived to tell the tale! :) Personally, I just loved the drive along the Old Pali Hwy--it made me think I was in the jungle with Tarzan! See you all soon in Mesquite!!! Love, Aunt Sue xo
Larisa said…
Ha ha! Looking forward to next week.

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