Zach Attacks

My baby is a bully. He bullies me around. Feed me. Change me. Carry me. Entertain me! If I don't comply I find myself the victim of a Zach Attack. Scratches on the face. Bite marks on the wrists. Bruises on the back of the arm. Faint bald spots from hair pulling. I joke, but he really is strong for someone who can't talk, walk, or dress himself. Today we played with Zach's buddy Grady (at least they were buddies before the attack)...and play is a loose interpretation. Grady is very cute, mild mannered, and enjoys chewing the T.V. remote. The perfect victim for Zach to attack. I guess Zach is uninterested in sharing the remote (that doesn't even belong to him). Good thing he's cute...otherwise Zach Attacks would be less amusing.


thruebonyeyes said…
LOL! He's like, uuumm...did I do that? lol :) He's still a cutie pie!
Larisa said…
A naughty cutie pie. Lol

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