Butterfinger Poke Cake

Yes. I have an obsession with poke cakes right now. All the recipes I see for them online are so easy and delicious sounding. I'm all for easy and delicious. My friend Claire pinned this latest recipe on Pinterest and I greedily saved it so I could attempt to replicate it. There are certain smells and flavors that evoke a sense of home. Coffee brewing, biscuits rising, bacon sizzling. And this cake. I hadn't expected it to remind me of my grandmas homemade pecan pie. To be clear, there are no pecans even in it. But when you slide your fork through the layers of the finished product, suddenly it's like you dove face first into your favorite childhood dessert. For this extraordinarily sweet cake, you will need the following ingredients:

1. Yellow cake mix
2. 1 can sweetened condensed milk
3. 1 cardiologist
4. 1 can of caramel topping
5. 1 container of Cool Whip
6. 2 Butterfinger candy bars

Bake the box cake according to instructions. I did not. I substituted one banana for the eggs. Poke holes in the cake while it's warm. Pour the condensed milk over the cake. Pour the caramel over the cake. Let the cake finish cooling. By now your kitchen smells how I picture heaven. Next, spread Cool Whip on top. Crush up the candy bars and sprinkle them on top. The end. The result is "a professional cake" according to Gabe.

Warning: this cake is a danger to have around. You will be tempted more than once to devour the entire thing. Thank you for reading about this months obsession.


FootPrints said…
HOLY JESUS CHRIST! i want this!!!!!!!!
Larisa said…
Ha ha ha! It is kind of amazing!

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