Glitterbuck Cup

I'm not a crafty person. I can barely cut on the dotted line. And if it involves tape I'm done for. It is quite shocking that I therefore participated in my very own craft project this afternoon. This project involved spray adhesive, glitter, and a Starbucks cup...oh yeah and Pinterest. First off, if it involves Starbucks, I'm pretty much in. The fact that this project was blinging out my "to go" Starbucks cup, big smiles. As with many of the things I "discover" on Pinterest, they seem easy and clever at first glance, but when I try to recreate anything that doesn't involve three ingredients, one of which is a box cake mix, things tend to go downhill fast. Supposedly, there are just three steps to this box cake though (maybe this is where I went wrong!)

1. Unscrew your personal Starbucks cup to reveal the inner lining
2. Spray (quickly...this was emphasized in a dramatic way on the blog I read the tutorial on) the inside of the outer cup...confused yet? I was...with adhesive.
3. Sprinkle glitter (I chose blue because it was what we had available in the garage) wherever you spray adhesive and wherever you want festiveness

Well, I did these things but my inner cup liner and outer cup are no longer fitting together as they should. There is a slight gap. And about one second into this project, I surmised that the inner cup liner would be much more conducive for the spraying and glittering. And while I'm being a total Debbie Downer, I may as well add that I also realized I should have just had Isom do the project. It would have turned out better and I wouldn't have sticky glue glitter fingers.

Believe it or not I do want to attempt this project again, incorporating the above mentioned changes...along with a glitter color change---I'm thinking red. Glitter Cup 2.0 is projected to arrive sometime this weekend.


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