$h1t My Kid Ruined

Maybe you are familiar with the blog that led to the book of the same name? Maybe you are familiar because this is the life you are experiencing as well? I am participating in another monthly Internet photo challenge (Instagram I heart you) and while taking snap shots throughout my day and deciding what to post for each days challenge, I realized that a good majority of my photos were of, yep, crap my kid has ruined. All with that devilish grin we have grown to love. Today it was a half a roll of toilet paper. The bright side: he knows that toilet paper goes in the toilet...just not the amount. But actually, this is not something I think the nine year old fully grasps yet. Also, as part of what makes the day to day of life with a thirteen month old fun, finding enough snack food to feed a small village in the carseat. Oh, and let's not forget a library worth of books that even Goodwill scoffs at now---Every. Single. Page. Torn. Or should I say eaten? Zach's favorite food is pap...