Live Love Laugh

...certainly plenty of that going on while Tutu was visiting. These are the lyrics to what would be her theme song. Mine would probably be eat, watch, laugh...looks like we have the smile part in common then. We were sad to say bon voyage to Tutu last night. We weren't sad to eat a special meal prepared for the occasion however. Isom's first ever attempt at eggplant parmesan was a home run. So even though our hearts were sad, our stomachs were happy. We were so lucky to have Tutu travel out for Zach's first birthday. She got to enjoy the rockstar party we put on for him, witness Gabe in his role as JPO, see Isom fix up our backyard, and me be exhausted from my role as mom to two boys. We had so much fun over the last two weeks. Greek Festival, NEX shopping, Thai Food and froyo dinners, five mile walks, sure will seem boring with Tutu back at her house.


Anonymous said…
Love Tutu. Hope she has a safe flight home.
Sue said…
Wow, what great pictures of your Tutu, Larisa. Sure can see the family resemblance in the one of the two of you! Looks like she had a ball as did all the Majors' family with her. Always nice to have a fun visitor and I know she is always enjoys herself! :) Love, Aunt Sue xo
Sue said…
P.S. Will Isom share the recipe???? Yum!

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