Freaks and Ghouls

...and zoo keepers/park rangers, monkeys, ninjas, and angels...among other fun Halloween costumes. Between mummy cupcakes, orange dream cake, and cherry finger cake, we had our fill of sweet and scary. I was waiting for Zach to be scared of the food. Nope. Or of his faceless ninja brother. Nope. Or of his zombie vampire with Abe Lincoln hat dad (we didn't really know what he was). Nope. Or mom wearing shorts. Nope. It was sweet Mia as an angel that ultimately freaked the poor monkey, I mean boy, out. Angels and sirens...did I mention there was a Tsunami warning mid freaking and ghouling? Right at the lil monkey's bedtime. The combination of wailing sirens, delayed nap (we enjoyed a beach wedding earlier in the day), and angel costumes---made for a cranky monkey. In the end there were no big waves, just the Kona beer variety, and no evacuation necessary for us Mililani folks...just all my Kailua and Westside party goers. An early departure worked out just fine...leaving us with extra time to catch up on some Walking Dead---you know, quality Halloween themed couple time. Halloween hasn't even officially arrived and we are well into the spirit (ha ha) of things. If our teeth don't rot out by Wednesday, then I think we have a fun Trick-o-Treating night of costumes and of course candy in store for us.


Sue said…
What cute costumes and yummy (mostly--not sure about the "finger cake") eats! Isom sure doesn't look like himself, whatever he is! In spite of the tsunami warning, looks like it was a huge success! That's so funny about Zach getting scared of an angel. ..hmmmmmm....maybe not....but she is such a cute angel! Happy Halloween to all--dentists love the holiday! :) Geoff arrives on Halloween--he doesn't know it, but I'm dressing up! :) Love to all, Aunt Sue xo
Larisa said…
Have fun with Geoff! Curious what you will dress up as! The finger cake was a Sarah creation...and delish.

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