Moena Cafe

Rarely do I not take photos of my food when trying a new restaurant. A picture can capture part of what you imagine the food will taste like and seems an important part of the retelling process. So what does that say when you don't take pictures? It says your hands were otherwise occupied...keeping baby hands away from the water glass, away from the silverware (a.k.a throwing toys), attempts to grab phone and failing, and most importantly---eating! I heard, rather read about this restaurant via Facebook. Times have changed. Word of mouth (literally) used to be the only way to get folks to try a new restaurant. Which brings us back to the friend Mai Ly posted some pictures from her brunch experience at Moena and I was sold. Isom just returned from his trip to Okinawa and Gabe was eating peanut butter and jelly at school (poor guy), so I decided a welcome home brunch with Zach and Isom was in order. Good thing we (okay I) ordered a ridiculous amount of food. Zach devoured half of my plate and then some. What you would have seen in my pictures was the most delicious combination for an omelette---salmon, onion, cheese. Why I never thought to wrap those in eggs---well, that's why I go out to eat! It was delicious. And for our side of dessert? Chantilly pancakes. Zach wanted half of that too, but I decided to draw the line somewhere. Or not share, whichever. My point being that despite a severe lack of pictures actually pertaining to the awesome meal me and two out of three of my boys shared, I really enjoyed Moena Cafe...a bit far from my neck of the woods but not so far I wasn't willing to stop in. It is small and simple in decor, letting you focus on the yummy food they have to offer. Next time I promise to take pictures...even if it means sacrificing a glass of water or all my utensils to the floor...I'll eat with my hands. These photos are the before and after of our Moena Cafe experience...where no water or utensils needed saving. Baby has made me a bad blogger.


Sue said…
Just wondering where that place is located so I can tell Joan & Lew! Sounds great! I liked the pictures and it looks like Isom brought some great swag back from Okinawa!!! Love to all, Aunt Sue xo
Larisa said…
It's in Hawaii Kai---Koko Marina shopping center. Free parking. They will love it. Reasonable prices too.

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