
Ended the holiday weekend with a two-ish mile brisk ravine walk that turned jog and trip to the Farmers Market. Usually the ravine hike is a weekday morning excursion. A me and Zach only excursion. Today Isom and Gabe tagged along and we took a pit stop halfway to play in the open field. Zach took the opportunity to steal big brothers hat and pretend to graffiti the sidewalk. Several other families were out and about taking what looked to be family Christmas photos. Good thing we wrapped that up already. That freed up today for ravine-ing and farmers marketing. Our finds today included eggplant, kale, tomatoes, bananas, and POG (passion orange guava) jelly. Since the addition of Isom and Gabe didn't hinder our walk and even garnered goodies from the farmers market, I guess we will allow them to come ravine-ing with us again sometime.