Gobble Gobble And Black Friday

We have a lot to be thankful for this year. A baby that cries with Santa, a 9 year old who set boobie traps on Thanksgiving...and being on the other side of the retail counter this year. No waking up at 10:00 pm for a midnight shift. No leaving the house an hour early to find parking. No folding piles of t-shirts only to be messed up seconds after straightening (at the store by a customer anyway). Instead, I got my hair cut, ate pumpkin cheesecake, took the boys to see Santa, and got an early Christmas present. I'd say my Friday was golden, not black. We were even productive---we took the pictures for and ordered our Christmas cards and had salad to cleanse ourselves from the gluttony of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving 2012, or pig out at The Majors, was fun (especially eating and drinking while admiring my new wainscoting). I even enjoyed some Turkey...Oreo ice cream turkey, much more enjoyable than the usual kind. So thankful for Baskin Robbins. And my friends and family, yeah yeah. Thankful I didn't have to cook. Thankful we call Hawaii home. Thankful no one got salmonella after eating at our house. Thankful for three boys who keep me folding and refolding clothes, washing dishes, sweeping floors, vacuuming, buying food, and giving me gray hair. Without them I wouldn't enjoy wine and Sunday night TV half as much. So thank you.


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