Appetite For Destruction

I saw an interview with Melissa McCarthy (Google her) the other day on Ellen. She was describing moments of parenthood with her blonde, angelic, sweet two year old daughter...who has a way of enticing people in and then poking them in the eye at the last minute. Oh, it's Zach! There are other such beguiling little monsters running around in diapers! This almost made me feel better. Almost. I have never seen a child more interested in destruction than this little blue eyed boy. This week alone I bore witness to red crayon art on our newly painted white walls, a broken cologne bottle that additionally jammed glass in my hand, a broken phone charm, string cheese bites spit in a trail from the kitchen to the dining room, total demise of our back screen door, throwing of baby wipes out the front door, writing on his face, loss of ten more book covers (loves the sound of ripping pages), rearrangement of all my phone apps, pulling all the DVDs and CDs out of their cases one by one, and creating a mountain of diapers in the living room (clean ones at least). I hate to go on because now I'm getting depressed. Zach definitely has a spirited personality. He barely talks. His form of communication is non-verbal. He's a doer. A man of action. Too bad this mom is wiped out. Better run, he is currently attempting to climb onto the dining room table and swing from the chandelier...


FootPrints said…
it would not be a good idea for these two to play together. yesterday, ha'o was the first of all my children to write on something...he made a very big drawing on my refrigerator! my husband blames me...i think he's right.
Larisa said…
Oh! I think my husband blames me too. I can't be everywhere at once though! Ack. These boys are a mess.
Anonymous said…
Aww... but he's so cute. :-)

I was spared the gift of spirited boys, but this still reminds me of angelic Arwen's little "destructo" moments. She could unload an entire pack of baby wipes in the blink of an eye, felt books were for standing, tearing, and eating, and sent my iPhone swimming in a pool she created with my Coach purse and a full water bottle. Miss the toddler times.

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