Grandma Fattened Us Up

Without Grandma Kathi in town, apparently we starve. We were lucky enough to have a week long visit from Isom's mom during the week of Valentine's Day (we actually had a date on Valentine's Day---Isom was a good sport and watched Beautiful Creatures with me). In honor of the day of love, we had a week long food love affair. Not much different than our normal food loving adventures except for the part where Chef Kathi made from scratch, almost every delicious morsel we put in our mouths. This visit was especially fun for almost 18 month old Zach. He really took to his grandma and laughed and played all day (in between the times when Grandma Kathi was in the kitchen). Isom even had a few days off from work to spend time at the beach. Between days off, grandma visiting, and Gabe being off for President's day, Zach was confused by the break in his normal routine. Now the dust has settled and he's stuck with regular old mom again. And regular old dinners. I think we both miss Grandma/Chef Kathi.


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