Two New Salads And A Peach Crisp

Still trying to detox from Grandma's visit, so I turned to my 500 Salads recipe book for inspiration. Winter (don't choke) in Hawaii does not often inspire me to eat salad, but since I've been off my Insanity (the workout) regime, I felt I needed to combat the lack of workout with some fruit and greens. Salad creation number one was a spinach and warm goat cheese combo. I used a goat cheese Brie I stumbled upon at Safeway. Another slight alteration I made to the recipe was leaving out bacon (but I know for all you carnivores out there, it would be a delicious addition). I also switched the nuts. Original recipe called for pine nuts. Here in paradise those cost $7.50 for a post-it note sized bag. No thanks. I used cashews we already had on hand (we have an addiction here). The end result of this spinach salad was terrific...for adults. Gabe was appalled that anyone would dream of eating goat cheese. The second salad was a fennel and orange salad. The dressing (made from scratch) really brought the flavors of the orange, fennel, red onion, and dill to life. The dressing consisted of honey, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, hot spicy mustard, and olive oil. Again, there was no protein to speak of, so I actually had Cup O'Noodles as my side dish. Lame foodie I know. For our two days in a row dessert, peach crisp. Simple and amazing. It fulfills the perfect duo of sweet and healthy? for Isom and my very far apart tastes. Just writing about it makes me want some more...and we are driving in the car! For this dessert, all you need is approximately four fresh sliced peaches, some oatmeal (enough to cover the peaches in your baking dish) brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, and salt. I cooked the crisp for 45 minutes at 350 and was delighted with the "first time making this" results. Now, I have met my veggies and fruit quotas for the week.


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