Eggsactly What You Would Eggspect happen on Easter weekend---another broken toe! Even though its April Fools Day, this is no joke. You can't make something this ridiculous up. The Easter Bunny paid the boys a visit two days early (we have VIP status with him) since Isom left for three weeks of training on Easter Sunday. This year Zach was loaded up with Elmo loot. He currently loves the fuzzy red guy and the moon. Gabe received a few treats and a book from a series he got sucked into over spring break. We paid a visit to the mall/rodeo version of the Easter Bunny. You can see from the picture what a success that was. Maybe running my toe into a concrete wall was my payback for mildly torturing little Zachy. I still got a good chuckle out of his sheer terror at being held by the wascally wabbit. Saturday Isom kindly fried up bacon and baked his famous ginger snap cookies for our Easter brunch on Sunday and we dropped him off at the airport. Sunday we enjoyed good food and company, an egg hunt, egg roulette (see Jimmy Fallon for rules), mimosas, an out of sorts Zach (teething plus missing dad equals WHINY), and for the finale---eggstravagant toe stubbing at its finest. This was the hardest compound thus far to collide with my toes. This time the baby toe was saved and it's neighbor the ring toe received a beating. I decided to shield your eyes from the purple swelling that is my fourth toe. Besides, seen one of my broken toes, you've seen them all. Hope you all had a fun Easter celebration and weekend---that was free of broken toes.


Anonymous said…
I love the rainbow cupcakes. I think steel toed boots would be a very good investment for you.

Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear about your injury, hope it heals quickly. That Easter Bunny pic is hilarious, my 2 year old niece won't even get within 5 feet of a costume character without freaking out. LIEP, Amy
Anonymous said…
Ouch! You could cut off the toes from old boots and put them inside Crocs...Looks like a great egg hunt. Wish I could have been there.

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