Curious Zach Goes Camping

This is Zach. He lives in Mililani. He was a good little toddler and always very curious. One day Zach went camping...

And that's where the fairy tale ends. His hands were on EVERYTHING. He was covered in dirt, from head to toe, from the moment we unleashed him til the minute he was strapped back in his carseat and headed home. 

We have been camping before. You might recall a post from several years ago. So, yes, we know what camping with kids involves. Camping with Zach was a different story. 

The rundown:

Tent set up: foiled in part by Zach's feet walking all over it while Isom tried putting the poles in. Big brother snickering off to the side.

Camp fire starting: thousands of mini heart attacks every time Zach thought sticking shovels, rocks, toys in the fire was a good idea.

Dinner preparation: Zach promptly sat down at the picnic table and announced he would like waffles.

Late afternoon swim: Zach uses his words to inform us "all pau beach".

Smores: Zach ate everyone's.

Sleeping in a tent: Zach awoke in the middle of the night (where it's completely quiet since we are in the middle of nowhere) and screams bloody murder for an hour. No reason. Begs for Cheez-its. Sits on top of brother and wants a horsey ride. Finale---"all pau tent."

Next day: Zach eats donuts. Zach swims at the beach. Zach naps on the beach. Mom and dad drink adult beverages. Friends leave. Bellies are full from steak and shrimp feast (yes, we eat well camping). 

Second camp fire: Zach has fried our nerves. Isom is breaking sticks for the fire and inadvertently breaks the remote for our lights. It's dusk. The lights are solely  powered by remote. We now have no lights. Isom attempts to fix remote in the dark. He drops the minuscule battery. He uses Coleman lamp (thank goodness for back up) to find dropped pieces. He burns finger severely on lamp. Dropped parts not found. Obscenities. No light. Broken remote. Burnt finger. Zach snickering off to the side.

Second morning: Zach polishes off the remainder of the powdered donuts (a camping staple). He chases chickens. He almost catches one. He chases cats. He tries to go on a beachside wooded hike alone. Isom spots the battery he was furiously looking for the night before, laying plainly and casually a foot away from our picnic table. Battery is snickering at us. 

Mom and dad decide they are ready for a Starbucks cup of coffee, our bed, and a shower. We pack up a couple of hours early. 

On the way out, we stop at the check-in hut and...

...sign up for another weekend in September. Gluttons.


Anonymous said…
All I can say is that I am still laughing...they will be great memories in years to come of the whole adventure! You and Isom are brave campers all right!!!! Love, Aunt Sue xo
Anonymous said…
Awww.. what a cute little camper!
Larisa said…
Oh good. You might not be laughing if you went camping with us...
Larisa said…
Cute. And evil. Lol.
Sue said…
I just re-read this after seeing your latest adventure and got to laugh all over again about Zach! What a difference a few months, and a 2nd birthday, make for a totally different camping adventure. As the years go by and the months distance you from the actual reality of living through this, this particular adventure will become one of your favorite stories to share with him, believe me! LOLOLOLOL love & still laughing, Aunt Sue xo

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