Fourth Of July...Or The Return Of Gabe

Good times had by all yesterday. Why? Well, it was Independence Day, triple dessert day, and the return of Gabe day! 

I was so happy to have my annoying little chatter box back home in Hawaii. It was quiet the past eleven days! He made up for the silence quickly. 

It was fun hearing all about his adventures with cousin Ryan at Grandma's house. He experienced record heat (125 degrees in the car mom). He drank soda (a huge deal since the strongest thing offered here is chocolate milk). He hung out with cool older kids. He played Xbox (I mean, it's so cool mom). He went to the movies, had no chores, and no little brother following him around. Can I go to grandmas?!

We are so glad he made wonderful memories...while I made multiple trips to the doctor with a sick Zach. I still remember all the summers I flew solo to visit my grandparents. Soda, Disney, road trips, rest stops, record heat (remember the 117 degree heat that planes couldn't take off in?) and summer friends were part of my childhood memories too. So even though I didn't get to share this experience with Gabe, I still kinda know where he's coming from. Having awesome grandparents willing to take you fun places when you're a bratty nine year old is pretty cool.

So thanks Grandma Kathi for taking (and returning) Gabe. And thanks Tutu for all the great summer vacations. Memories for a lifetime.

Here's a few more memories from our fun filled fourth...


Sue said…
That last picture of Zach is one of my all time favorites! It's right up there with that prize winning picture of Gabe when he was little and it was a Christmas theme! It's always been a favorite...but then you take many wonderful pictures of your family that I enjoy! I know Kathi had so much fun with her two middle grandsons and how wonderful those memories will be for all of them. Love and hugs, Aunt Sue xo

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