Summer...Foods, Hair, DIY

Here's a glimpse of what's been going on in the M-town hood. First birthday party, purple hairdo, pool time, adjustments to our eating, and bike rides...lots of them. 

Fruit and seen above are about the only thing Isom and I now have in common when it comes to eating...and that is a stretch. The results of Isom's allergy blood test arrived...might as well been delivered by the grim reaper himself. It has been pretty gloomy since we learned he needs to eliminate the following from his diet: 

1. Dairy
2. Oats
3. Tree nuts
4. Beans
5. Wheat
6. Yeast

...just to list a few. There were 15 items total, but the above are the heavy hitters. As you have surmised, some favorites can no longer be indulged, consumed, looked at for fear of spontaneous jumping into the mouth. Since I already don't eat meat of the land (the sea is okay), grocery shopping has become tricky since we DON'T GROW anything at home and my black thumb has no intentions of starting. Isom has taken to dehydrating fruits and veggies. I have been wondering how the cavemen survived on a diet that didn't include Oreos. So, to brighten things up, I colored my hair...

and got busy with a couple of quick and easy DIY mini projects: 

And sent the boys out of the house to be active: 

Social events can be tricky when all you can consume is cardboard, but luckily our Gabe has not let dad's dietary restrictions affect him in any way: 

Good for you Gabe!


Sue said…
Just now catching up with my responses to your sorry to read about all Isom's food restrictions. I will watch my vegan recipes to see if any of them will work with all his restrictions. I have incorporated fish/shellfish back into my diet but still no milk, eggs, cheese so always looking for recipes. It sure doesn't seem fair that Isom got stuck with so many allergies. Give him a hug for me. And sending love and lots of hugs to all, Aunt Sue xo

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