The Great Outdoors

...remember that old movie with John Candy and Dan Akroyd? We didn't exactly experience that movie, but there were a lot of laughs during our weekend camping adventure to Malaekahana with our pals the Pommerenks.

The kids (ranging in age from 2 to 12) had a blast. Overall they got along well and enjoyed tree swings, surfing, boogie boarding, sand ball fights (do what you can when there's no snow), a scavenger hunt, tightrope walking, campfire charades and s'mores of course.  Gabe never dreamed he could have so much fun without watching TV. 

The adults enjoyed two beautiful beach days and a surprising amount of sit down and sip a cold beer time. Our curious Zach was a much better behaved monkey as compared to last time. 

He did manage to break my sunglasses, have the worlds biggest, most disgusting diaper (at night of course...poopy diaper change in a tent by candle light is super fun!), and ruined a shirt and towel with his gross lets spit out all my food antics...BUT he slept through the night both Friday and Saturday. AND he did not scream so loud in which to scare off our campsite neighbors. NOR did he fall in the campfire. HUGE improvements. 

We are becoming experienced campers! Unsure of when our next great outdoors adventure will be, but we managed to remain on speaking terms with all our co-campers so I am pleased and hopeful that we will do another big camp out in the future. 

Who can resist camping with curious Zach, mustache Gabe, tightrope Larisa, salmon king Isom, and droves of wild chickens?!

Happy Campers 2013~


Sue said…
Great pictures and every single one of you looks happy! How fun to camp at this time of year (when it is getting cold, gray and rainy here in WA!). Great memories for you all. Love, and a tad bit jealous, Aunt Sue xo
Unknown said…
Wow...camping there looks completely different than here in the desert :) Glad you had such great trips.


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