Zachy Turns Two
Two years old! We celebrated Zach's second birthday this past Wednesday. Thomas the Train (pronounced Domas) party hats, a ride on the Pearlridge monorail, cupcake date with buddy Jennings, homemade strawberry train cake (noticing a theme?) and a Big Wheel (preparing him for his future in a Motorcycle Club).
What more does a little boy need? Zach was still vehemently claiming to be one, but we know no one is falling for that line. Measuring three feet tall and 29.8 lbs, him claiming to be one is like me claiming I'm still 25.
Looking ahead, I know we have potty training and pre-school on the horizon. But, honestly I'm happy to enjoy the "terribleness" of now a little while longer. When else will boy potty humor be so amusing? When else will every word he says be so cute? When else will he want to cozy up to me every chance he gets? So, today, I welcome terrible two.
Just maybe not tomorrow.
Two is proving to be just as rigorous as one was. I know the go to descriptor is "terrible". But, we've already been dealing with a high energy, climbing, curious, destruction boy of I've been feeling pretty confident in what the year ahead might bring.
Happy birthday Zachy. Love ya...terrible two and all.
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