It's Been Four Months (Sigh)

This Saturday marks four months since I've written a blog post. Shameful. When I first started this blog, I thought I'd write something clever every day. Then it turned into a couple times a week, which in turn became a couple times a month. It would appear that I am headed to the couple times a year format. It's alarming how quickly motivation can change. I used to sit at my laptop and pour over the words I wanted to share with the world. Then, I poured over my phone, yes, I blog from my phone. And now, I just pour over my phone (damn you Facebook, Instagram, and Candy Crush!) but it's got nothing to do with blogging. I want to change. But change is so hard. I find myself "blogging" in other ways. I share my thoughts and daily happenings in the instant format of picture apps and Twitter and texts. And while I enjoy these forms of entertainment and communication very much, I want to find my way back to blogging...the old fashioned way. Ha ha. If anyone is still following me here, I promise to try to do better. Less paragraphs for Facebook status updates and more cynical remarks and goofy pictures via the blog. I mean, I started eating meat again, saw two Keanu movies in the theater, got a new tattoo...and I. Didn't. Even. Blog. It. 

Did ya miss me? Here's some happenings from the past four months. 


Anonymous said…
Welcome back! Soon I'll be there to nudge you in person...heh, heh, heh

Anonymous said…
Oh yes! If this is as close to you as I can get, please Blog On! Love the Blog out of you! LOL
xo Aunty Bob

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