Honolulu Beer...Works

Love trying new places. Love trying new beer. Love date night. Saturday was the opportunity for all three. With the boys tucked in safe and snug with Auntie and Uncle Pommerenk, we were free to eat dinner unencumbered...

...at my least favorite choice for a dinner date. Indian food. I think dinner out means cheese and alcohol being part of the equation. Neither of these was available at Himalayan Kitchen. But, this is not meant to be a bad review. The food, service, and (despite the rain) atmosphere were great. It just wasn't my first choice. Or second. Or third. 

I endured and Isom was very happy, so it was worthwhile. After dinner, we moved on to my first choice locale---the newly opened (less than a week) Honolulu Beerworks in Kakaako.

Barrels and beers and buddies, oh my! We started with a sampling of the nine beers offered. The standout being their IPA. Normally I would have gone for the stout but theirs has an unusual smokey undertone that wasn't for me. To accompany our tasters we tried their smoked ahi dip---this was smokey flavor I could get on board with. 

A trip to the bathroom just as we were about to pay our bill ended up being a surprise reunion with college pals (pictured---the college pal that is, not the bathroom). Soooo...we were forced (laugh) to remain and drink another beer (or two).

Fun times (including the Indian food) out with my hubby, Beerworks, and unexpected date night tagalongs.

You never know who you'll run into...so always be prepared to drink one more beer!


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