Malaekahana Memories Made
The exhaustion was warranted. We built campfires. The kids hunted for crabs on the beach at night and destroyed other peoples sand creations by day.
We ate canned meat. And sweets. And wore fluorescent swim gear.
Dipped toes in sand. Morning walks in wet sand. Turned sandy pages and drank Malibu and pineapple. Dodged flying ladder balls and sand snowballs.
Hid behind tents. Had fits. Lost brushes. Discovered chicken eggs, a stray dog, chased hens from the yard. Rain ruined multiple rolls of toilet paper and a deck of Duck Dynasty cards.
Built human pyramids. Drank beer. Photo bombed each other. Photo boothed with one another. Don't you wish you'd been here?
Made it home after no showers and sleeping on the ground. Dirty. Happy. And safe and sound.

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