July Has Come And Gone...

...but my memories, via pictures, still remain. It was a good month and a bad month. No ugly (...well maybe if you saw me a couple of mornings when I was sick). 

We literally started the month off with a bang. July 4th drinks and BBQ and everyone's favorite---bronchitis. To be promptly followed with an ear infection. Nobody likes sick kids...but even worse than a sick kid, a sick mom. And that was me.

Doped up on antibiotics, I spent the remainder of July trying to make sure I didn't infect others, refurbishing second hand furniture, and preparing to host Gabe's birthday sleepover...four boys in addition to my two. If I can conquer bronchitis and an ear infection at the same time...6 boys is a piece of cake (hold on, I'm falling down from laughter). I told you I was doped up.

Gabe received a small fortune from family and friends alike (thank you all for your generosity). He of course immediately spent his birthday money on Legos, loom  bands, fancy earphones, and my personal favorite---breath mints.

We wrapped up Gabe's birthday celebration with our family tradition of attending the Jack Johnson concert at the Waikiki Shell (love this venue). Gabe has been a longtime fan. This year we got to introduce Zach to a family music tradition. You know what they say about tradition...made to be broken. Oh, maybe that's rules. 

I would love to say that attending a concert with an 11 year old and a 2 year old is fun. But it's not. (That's why there is beer.) And of course by this time, I was off my sick meds. Darn. I got to witness the worlds squirmiest child first hand, unencumbered by the fog of antibiotics and Advil. As a side bonus, the older one chose the concert to display all of the fun traits we love about teenagers! Moody. Bored. Eye rolling. Complaining fun! (Where does he get it?! 😉)

The grand finale of the concert---Zach peed on Isom. Yes. Peed. You read that correctly. A direct hit. Not only did Zach have a wet bottom...well, someone else had a wet...front. Of course I reacted how any sane wife/mother of two boys would. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. I like to match Isom.

July has come and gone. But we have leftover Kendama cake, two "new" painted pieces of furniture, extra laundry (thanks pee boy), a sassy pre-teen, a mini deer head, and lots of laughs to show for it.


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