Thrift Paint Repeat

If you follow me on any number of social media outlets, you may have seen some of my recent fun DIY projects. In which case, scroll right on through this blogpost---it's old news.

I have become caught in a cycle of thrift, paint, repeat. A possessed penny pinching painter...preoccupied with all things vintage and vintage-y.

If it is wood, old, cheap, and was formerly known as something else? Chances are I dragged it into my house to sand, paint, and Instagram the final product!

A girls gotta pass the time between reading, Homeland, and the next wheat free meal (another adventure I've been on for the past month).

Here are just a few of my favorite projects that I'm keeping all for myself! Maybe we should add "hoarder" to that earlier list. 

It's been fun. Therapeutic. And just a tad messy. Getting my creative juices flowing has been quite rewarding.

Looking forward to the next hidden treasure that I can slap a coat of paint on and tweak with a PicTapGo filter for Instagram (don't ya love all the APP name dropping?!)

Until the next paint fume induced blog post...


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